How Chelsea differ From the Rest..


April 25, 2009 by Archy

Uefa Champions League Trophy
Uefa Champions League Trophy

The Champions League semi finals are just around the corner & its time for the big teams to take center stage.

The final 4 in these years competition are Chelsea , Barcelona, Manchester United & Arsenal with Chelsea taking on the Catalans & United squaring off against Arsenal.

United, Arsenal & Barcelona like to play entertaining football,one touch passes ,flicks,tricks, like to keep da ball on the ground (especially Arsenal & Barca), Chelsea on the other hand play with Power with the likes of Drogba, Essien  & Ballack. They are not at all pleasing on the eye but this doesn’t make them any less favourable to win  Europes elite competetion.

In Ronaldo  & Messi, United & Barca have the 2 best footballers in the world at the moment whilst Arsenal have the likes of Fabregas & Van Persie . These players have what we call ‘Charisma’ or commonly known as Flair. Chelsea at present have none with Joe Cole being ruled out for the season.

Lets face it Chelsea do not play entertaining football or should we say they do not posses the players to play the game the way it should be played. Lampard, Drogba,Terry, Ballack, Deco are all great footballers but they do not possess pace. Except Joe Cole , Jose Bosingwa & Ashley Cole the blues of London posses very little pace within their team. This makes it very hard to play fast & entertaining football.Thier strength is power & they play to their strengths but to the football community(Chelsea fans would disagree) Chelsea are a boring team (Although chelsea played in 1 of the most entertaining matches of the season , the 4-4 draw against Liverpool. Well all of them have got exceptions ).

Arsenal & Barcelona are the 2 best passing teams one should feel, well they sometimes overplay but any football loving fan in this world would love to watch Barcelona & Arsenal play even though they do not support them. No disrespect but no neutral would love to watch a Chelsea match. United i should feel would come 3rd to Barca & Arsenal in terms of entertainment. With the likes Berbatov, Rooney,Ronaldo & Giggs the flicks & tricks are very pleasing on the eye. Having arguably the best fan base in the world it is important that United buy players to play football with style & charisma & that is exactly what Sir Alex has done by gettin Cristiano Ronaldo, Berbatov,Carlos Tevez & the off form Nani.

At this point of time there is no denial as to who plays the best football in the world and that is Fc Barcelona. They have a tradition along with Real Madrid , ie winning whilst playing entertaining football is more important than winning. As long as Arsenal are under Arsene Wenger one can never imagine Arsenal playing sulky & boring football & United under Sir Alex have played some breathtaking football. Chelsea have a winning team but they do not have an entertaining one.

Well 1 should give credit to Chelsea as they play to their strengths but to please the footballing community around the world you need to play the game to entertain & not jus to win.

The 2 mouthwatering semi-finals are less than a week away & lets hope entertainment takes pole position.Barcelona are favourites for this years UCL but Chelsea can prove to be a very difficult obstacle to pass. United continue their title defence against the Gunners but would be looking to reach the finals 2 years in a row.

Aamer Aslam

Note : These are exclusively my views & arent referred to any site.

3 thoughts on “How Chelsea differ From the Rest..

  1. ZeenAr says:

    wow! u seem to knw soo much abt football:) … atleast something to keep ure gangsta head occupied:P

  2. Abhishek says:

    fuck u be…Lets face it Chelsea do not play entertaining football or should we say they do not posses the players to play the game the way it should be played..
    wtf..the way it shud be played????and yes i do disagree with u!!
    i thnk s/f shud be bout winning and nt entertainment!!id anyday take an ugly win over barca than an entertaining loss!!
    our players are powerful and can rip any defenders with their strength!

  3. archy728 says:

    good reply :)…

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